Routine Exams

Keeping your pet

on the path of



cat receiving veterinary exam

Northshore Veterinary Hospital is here to assist you in keeping your pet on the path to a healthy happy lifestyle.

Starting your new puppy or kitten on a routine care program will pay off benefits for many years to come. Our staff is here to guide you and answer any questions you may have regarding your newest family member. We will discuss the right time to spay or neuter, assist with guidance related to behavior issues and socialization, recommend proper nutrition and necessary vaccinations.

As your pet matures, adults too can benefit from regular care. At each annual visit your veterinarian will suggest any appropriate testing. As with humans, the discovery of any underlying medical issues as early as possible increases a positive outcome. The lifestyle of your pet will also be taken into consideration when recommending vaccinations.

For our senior patients NSVH recommends semi-annual visits so we can provide comfort for aging pets. There are many options available to help keep your four-legged family member actively on the path.

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