In-House Lab

Northshore Veterinary Hospital has the ability to run lab work in-house which provides quick results when needed.

in-house veterinary lab at norshthore

With our in-house Idexx lab machines, we are able to process many lab tests quickly to get much needed answers to guide us in making diagnoses and a comprehensive treatment plan.

Catalyst – The Catalyst runs comprehensive chemistries and electrolyte profiles.  The T4 helps easily screen, diagnose and manage thyroid disease during patient visits.  The Fructosamine lab test helps us better manage diabetic patients with rapid results.

ProCyte – The ProCcyte analyzer provides complete blood counts.

Coag – The Coag unit runs coagulation panels that screen at-risk animals to detect clotting problems.  Having this information prior to surgery is extremely important to avoid complications during and afterwards.

Snap Test Reader – Snap testing covers Heartworm, tick panels, feline and canine pancreatitis, FELV/FIV, Cortisol, Lepto, feline bNP snapshots to identify and manage diseases quickly and efficiently.

SediVue – Allows urine sediment analysis timely.

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