The spleen is an oblong organ that sits behind the stomach in the abdomen.
Surgical removal of the spleen is performed when the spleen has masses found on physical exam, radiographs (x rays), or ultrasound.
The spleen is an oblong organ that sits behind the stomach in the abdomen. Surgical removal of the spleen is performed when the spleen has masses found on physical exam, radiographs (x rays), or ultrasound. Tumors in the spleen are more often than not malignant (2/3rds of masses in the spleen are malignant). Dogs generally have either a hemangioma (benign) and a hemangiosarcoma (malignant). Both these tumors arise from the blood vessels and consist of a large number of abnormal blood vessels. Eventually the tumor will rupture and can cause life threatening bleeding. Symptoms of a splenic tumor are sudden weakness and pale gums.
If the splenic tumor is benign, removing the spleen will cure the patient, however if the tumor is malignant, the cancer will already have spread. Survival of dogs with hemangiosarcoma treated with surgery alone averages 25–90 days. Chemotherapy can increase this survival time.