Veterinary dermatology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders in animals. Pets may experience a variety of issues that are truly miserable and challenging, yet usually very treatable.
If your pet is suffering from any of the following, we suggest an examination to begin the best plan of attack to get your pet feeling better as soon as possible. Many dermatological issues can be difficult to diagnose as there may be more than one contributing factor, including allergies.
Areas to consider when disorders arise are:
- Environmental allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and molds
- Skin contact allergens such as shampoos and insecticidal products
- Fleas
Is your pet experiencing any of the following?
- Hair Loss
- Excessive licking or chewing
- Ear problems
- Excessive biting or scratching
- Scooting, rolling or rubbing on objects
- Sores or dark skin spots
- Redness of the skin
- Body order
Causes may be:
- Pyoderma – A skin infection with the formation of pus
- Hot spots
- Bacterial infections
- Fungal infections
- Dermatitis – a condition of the skin which becomes red, swollen, and sore
- Allergies
NSVH will use a variety of techniques for diagnosis, then treatment. Since there may be more than one contributing factor, we often need to take a multimodal approach for diagnosis and treatment.
For diagnosis:
- Skin scrapes
- Bacterial cultures
- Fungal cultures
- Allergy testing
- Skin biopsies
- Histopathology
For treatment:
- Antibiotics
- Antihistamines
- Steroids
- Shampoos/conditioners
- Topical and antifungal drugs
- Dietary changes
These cases can be frustrating and take time to resolve. We understand how challenging dermatology and allergy issues can be for both you and your pet. Communication is key as we jointly work together to determine all potential contributing factors.