by andrea | Dec 5, 2016 | Pet Health, Resources
Check regulations before you travel! NSVH highly recommends Microchipping your pet prior to travel. It’s important to check out the rules and regulations when traveling with your pet across state borders or to another country. Heading to Canada requires only a...
by andrea | Dec 5, 2016 | Infectious Disease & Parasites, Pet Health
Good habits can keep you and your pets healthy together. Enjoy Your Pet! There are so many health benefits of owning a pet and their companionship can brighten anyone’s day. Pets are family members and they bring so much enjoyment to our lives. Keep Your Pet...
by JimHassi | Nov 30, 2016 | Pet Health, Toxicity
Cannabis (marijuana, pot, weed, and THC), affects receptors in the brain that alter normal neurotransmitter function. Dogs and cats can be poisoned by marijuana from direct ingestion of marijuana or baked foods laced with THC, or from second hand smoke exposure. In...
by andrea | Nov 10, 2016 | Pet Health
NSVH recommends professional teeth cleanings annually. Just as humans, pet’s too benefit from regular dental cleanings and examinations especially since pets can’t speak for themselves and tell you when their teeth are in pain. It’s never too late to start an at home...
by JimHassi | Oct 6, 2016 | Pet Health
You have probably heard the statistics that dogs and cats age seven years for each human year, however, the conventional wisdom that one dog/cat year equals seven human years is an oversimplified view of how old your pet is in human years. While there is no exact...
by JimHassi | Oct 6, 2016 | Pet Health
There are many benefits in starting regular veterinary care. For puppies and kittens, regular veterinary visits are recommended during the first six months of life to ensure your new pet stays healthy and happy. Socialization is key when they are young and visits to...